Come join us on the journey of grandparenting!

I am an author, blogger, speaker, grandparent lifestyle coach, husband, father, and pawpaw. I am crazy about helping grandparents who are raising their grandchildren find solutions to health/fitness, retirement planning, grandparenthood, travel and so much more. A Duct Tape Life is a grandparent lifestyle blog born out of the desire to hold life together with refreshing solutions and breathe energy into our hope to live life fully.

I grew up in Kansas City living in the urban core of the city. As a child I was always curious about what made people do what they did and why they did it. As an adult I began to study and observe human behavior with a keen interest in what produced successful results in life.

I was always the kid in school the other kids went to for advice. That persona was carried over into my adult life and allowed me to gain the reputation of being “the people’s counselor”.

Life is all about fixing stuff using the best advice found—duct tape. My wife, Saleese and I have spent the last 30 years fixing and growing our marriage—it’s been great most of the time; I have wrestled with three children through the developing years into teen-age rebellion and I am having a blast being the best grandpa to two of the most incredible granddaughters. The duct tape we use to fix the problems in our lives goes beyond repairing a broken tail light but has infinite uses as advice given to improve our lives. For the reasons mentioned, I am so excited about curating the best articles related to issues close to the heart of grandparents.

Through these experiences I have grown into an avid blogger and writer. People love hearing me speak because I get them to laugh at their problems so they can understand the solutions for those challenges. I have learned so much from listening and counseling others which has provided me great insights.

The frustration many face from unfulfilled goals and dreams are conquered through coaching techniques I have developed over the years. Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren need extra love and attention as they accept the challenges not by their design.

I have gained weight and lost hair—which has put me on the hunt for the best health and fitness solutions so I can have a little longer to live and keep my wife attracted to me. I also need to have the energy to keep up with my grandchildren who are the ever-ready bunnies in my life.
Come join me on this journey as we will laugh and learn together. We will hold life together and live life fully using the duct tape of the best resources, tips, and news found just for you so you can leave the worries behind.

Don’t leave home without reading this free eBook, “Ready, Set, Go”

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